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2023-05-27 07:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

【《劝 学》】




Keep on learning and a student may surpass his teacher, for the indigo comes from bluegrass but it’s bluer than bluegrass, ice comes from water but it’s colder than water. Straight wood can be heated to bend into a circle which can be further made into a wheel. The round wood will not become straight again when it dries. This is the result of being heated with fire. Wood will be straight when measured with an ink line, and a steel sword will be sharp when polished with whetstone. It is of the same reason that if a man is well learned and daily examines himself, he will be wise and act correctly.


You will neither know how high the sky is until you climb to the top of a mountain, nor will you know how thick the earth is until you reach a deep stream. For the same reason, you will not be well learned without the last words of the former king. Babies of different ethnic groups had the same crying sound when they were born, but they had different customs and habits when they grew up. This is all due to influence of education. You are a gentleman, so you should not seek comfort all day long. You should respect your daily job and try to be a man of high morality. When God hears that you are struggling to be a true gentleman, He will bless you! The highest level of magic power is to understand the natural law, and well know how to make use of it. The greatest happiness is free from disease and disaster.


Pondering all day long is not worth a moment of learning. By climbing the mountain, you will see farther than standing on tiptoe. The arm is not longer when waving high, but distant people can see. The sound is not louder when shouting with the wind, but more clearly. The strength of the foot is not stronger when riding on a horse, but you can go far. It doesn't mean that you can swim when using a boat, but you can advance on the water. A gentleman and others are of no difference in quality, except that he well knows how to use tools in the right way.


In the South, there is a bird called Mengjiu。It builds its nest out of feathers. It ties its nest to the reeds. The wind has broken the reeds and its eggs. It’s not that the nest is weak, but that it’s tied in the wrong place. In the West, there is a kind of grass called Shegan growing in the high mountain. Its stem is four inches long. It can overlook many streams not because its stem becomes longer, but because it grows in a high place.


Peng grass growing in hemp field can stand without support. White sand on the black soil is no longer white. Lanhuai root is called moxa, once immersed in stinky water, neither the gentlemen nor ordinary people will like it, and surly, no one will wear it. It’s not because the moxa itself is not fragrant, but because it is soaked smelly. So, a gentleman chooses a good living environment, and makes friends with people of morality. In so doing, they can prevent evil things and get close to right thoughts.


There must be a beginning for the rise of all things. The arrival of honor and disgrace must be associated with being good or bad in morality. The flesh is rotten with maggots and the fish with worms. Neglecting or forgetting the principles of life will bring disaster. Hard objects tend to break, and weak ones are easy to be bound. If you have evil thoughts, you are likely to attract resentment. Fire always goes to dry places while water flows to wet places. Just as weeds and trees grow together, birds and beasts live together. All things live with their own kind. When the target is set, arrows will naturally visit it. When trees grow into forests, they will be cut down for humankind’s use. Birds build their nests in shady trees. When vinegar goes sour, it attracts bugs. Words may bring trouble, and deeds may attract shame. Therefore, a gentleman has to be cautious whenever and wherever!


The accumulated soil develops into mountains from which the wind and rain rise. The flood stream becomes an abyss where the dragon is born. Accumulate good deeds to develop noble character so that you will naturally have a clear mind and the realm of a saint. Without the accumulation of step-by-step itinerary, you cannot reach the distant destination. For the same reason, no accumulation of small steams, there would be neither rivers nor oceans in the world.


A fine horse jumps at most ten steps away, but an ordinary horse can get to its destination by ten days’ walking, which shows that success belongs to the persevering. Carving on and off cannot cut through even a piece of dead wood, while carving without stop can cut through a hard stone. The earthworm has neither sharp claws nor strong bones, but it can eat soil and drink water from the soil, this is all because of its dedication. The crab has six legs and two cockles, but without a burrow for snakes or eels, it would have nowhere to live, this is because its mind is restless. What mentioned above tells us that the spirit of effort-taking research is the prerequisite of the wisdom to see through everything, and that without a good solid work, no one can make illustrious achievement.


He who walks in the wrong way cannot reach his destination. Neither side will tolerate the man who serves two kings. The eye cannot see clearly when it looks at two things at the same time, likewise, the ear cannot hear clearly when it listens to two sounds at the same time. The mighty snakes had no legs but could fly with their strength. Flying mice had five skills but none of them was highly skilled, so they died out in nature. Cuckoos build their nests in the mulberry forest and their young birds play in the branches. The virtuous gentleman acts exclusively and without bias, so, his determination is as firm as a rock. Therefore, the gentleman’s will is firm and single-minded.


Once upon a time when Huba played his harp, all the fish in the water came up to listen, and when Boya played his musical instrument, all the six horses that drew the cart raised their heads to listen. No matter how small a voice is, it will be heard; no matter how hidden an action is, it will be discovered. The flowers, grass and trees on a mountain having jade appear moist and shiny. If the mountain pool can cultivate beautiful beads, the cliff will not appear dull and desolate. So long you keep doing good deeds day after day, you will surely be known.

学恶乎始?恶乎终?曰:其数则始乎诵经,终乎读礼;其义则始乎为士,终乎为圣人,真积力久则入,学至乎没而后止也。故学数有终,若其义则不可须臾舍也。为之,人也;舍 之,禽兽也。故书者,政事之纪也;诗者,中声之所止也;礼者,法之大分,类之纲纪也。故学至乎礼而止矣。夫是之谓道德之极。礼之敬文也,乐之中和也,诗书之博也,春秋之微 也,在天地之间者毕矣。

What should our learning begin with, and what should our learning end in? Our learning should start from “the Book of Songs” to “the Book of Rites”. The meaning of learning for a man is beginning as a young scholar and ending as a saint. Continuous and earnest hard work will surely lead to success, and go on learning so long as you live. Although the school course has an end, the desire to forge ahead cannot have a moment of slack. Lifelong learning characterizes a human being from animals. Shangshu is the record of political affairs, the Book of Songs is the voice from man’s inner heart, the Book of Rites is the premise of the legal system as well as the general outline of various regulations. Therefore, continue your learning till to etiquette so as to reach the peak of morality. The Book of Rites respects the etiquette, while the Book of Music tells what the sound of harmony means. The Book of Songs is of very broad knowledge, and the Spring and Autumn Period covers all the universal knowledge between the heaven and the earth with its simple and understandable language.


A gentleman keeps in mind what his teacher teaches him. The knowledge he has learned is manifested in his dignified manners and proper behaviors. His every move, including the most unimportant words, should conform to etiquette. His behaviors can be modeled by others and becomes an example for others to follow. The distance between the ear and the mouth is only four inches, how can you increase your personal charm by boasting of the little knowledge you’ve just learned. Ancient people studied to improve themselves, but people today study for self-boasting. A gentleman studies for enhancing his self-cultivation, while a villain does so for pretending to be a well learned man. To tell the answer before the student puts forward his question will affect his independent thinking, and to give over more detailed answer will affect his continuous thinking on the basis of preliminary understanding. Not being calm, and talking too much are both wrong, a gentleman should answer questions, like an echo in a canyon, just in the right way.


There is nothing better for a learner than having a good teacher. The Book of Rites and the Book of Music record the legal system without detailed description. The Book of Songs and the Book of Shangshu talk about the past, but not close to the present. The words in the Spring and Autumn Period are simple and concise, but not easy to understand quickly. Learning from a good teacher is both noble and comprehensive, and helpful to correctly understanding the world affairs. Therefore, the easiest way to master useful knowledge is to get a qualified teacher.


Respect for good teachers is the most convenient way to learn, followed by the worship of propriety. Respect neither for teachers nor for propriety, just mechanically recite the sentences of the Book of Songs and Shangshu, one can at most be a shallow scholar all his life. To study the sages’ wisdom and seek the root of benevolence and righteousness, one should start his learning with the rites. If you can grasp the key part of the matter, the problem is easy to solve. Pay no attention to ceremony and law, and handle affairs only by the sentences of the Book of Songs and Shangshu, you will find it difficult to succeed. Respect etiquette, even if the knowledge is not clearly mastered, you can still be regarded as a man of high morality. With no respect for etiquette, even if having mastered some knowledge and the skill in debate, you will still be regarded as a shallow scholar of too much liberty.


Give no answer to a question that does not conform to etiquette. If the answer is not in line with etiquette, ask no more. Do not listen to those whose words are against etiquette. Never argue with someone whose attitude is very aggressive. Therefore, we only talk with those whose behavior conforms to etiquette and refuse those whose behavior is against etiquette. You can talk with someone who respects others about the purpose of Tao. You can talk with someone who speaks gently about the content of Tao. You can talk with someone who has an honest attitude about the profound meaning of Tao. So, talking to someone you should not talk to is impetuous. You refuse someone you should talk to is arrogant. It is blind to keep talking without seeing the listener’s response. So, a gentleman should not be impetuous, not arrogant, not blind, he should carefully treat everyone who comes to ask for advice. It is said in the Book of Songs that the Son of Sovereignty praises those who are neither impetuous nor arrogant. That’s what I want to talk about!


He is not a good archer who shoots a hundred arrows and misses the mark with one. He is not a good driver to drive a carriage a thousand miles with half a step to go. He is not a good learner who can’t master the theory and norms of benevolence and righteousness, nor can he stick to the principles of benevolence and righteousness. Learning is something that requires a man’s concentration. Those are common people in towns who do their learning on and off. Such people as Jie, Zhou, and Tuo did little good, but much bad. A true scholar is one who can grasp the knowledge thoroughly, and comprehensively.


A gentleman knows no one can be perfect without intensive and extensive learning. He can well digest what he has learned through comprehensive study, grasp the key meaning through thinking, and correct his mistakes and bad habits by following good teachers and friends. A gentleman should refuse to see, hear, say, and think of evil things. When you achieve the ideal situation of being completely immersed in learning, you will find that the world is as beautiful as the rainbow, with euphony and nice smell all around you. Once you reach this high level, you will be free from evil thoughts of power desires. You will stand up to crowd with numerical strength, and nothing in the world can shake your faith. He who lives so and keeps unchanged to death is a man of virtue and integrity, and such a man must be both determined and flexible. A man of determination and flexibility must be a mature and perfect one. When that time comes, just as the heaven shows its brightness and the earth shows its vastness, the gentleman will show his value in the perfection of virtue.





When seeing a good behavior, take it as your example. When seeing a bad behavior, take it as a mirror for your self-examination.


With good conduct, you will be full of confidence, and feel much delighted. With bad character, you will be ill-minded, and feel quite uncomfortable.


He who can point out your wrong doings and correctly criticize you is your teacher. He who can affirm your advantages and give you proper praise is your friend. The person who is just flattering you whether you are right or not is a thief to you.


Therefore, the gentlemen respect their teachers, get close to their friends, and hate the thieves who are flattering all day long. Their pursuit of excellence is never satisfied, and whenever they hear the advice, they will examine themselves. How can there be any possibility for them not to make progress? The villains on the other hand are extremely confused and hate others to point out their faults. Though they are incompetent, they ask us to say they are virtuous. They are ill-natured and behave like a beast, yet they hate to have their sins pointed out to them.


Keep close to those who flatter you and stay away from those who exhort you to correct your mistakes. Mistake the words of the kindness as sneer, and the act of great loyalty as an injury. Is it possible for such people not to perish? It’s said in the Book of Songs “Absorption at random and baseless slur are really something pathetic! It sounds strange that people are likely to violate a good plan and carry out a bad one.” That’s what I want to say.


If you strengthen your nervous system and regulate your physical training by way of moral perfection, you will live a long life. Through virtue cultivation to achieve self-improvement, you will win the reputation which can be as famous as the ancient sages, Yao and Yu. The way of life that suits with prosperity and adversity is courtesy and trustworthiness. Where blood, will, wisdom, and thought are used, obedience of etiquette will have a smooth way to success. If you don’t follow etiquette, there will be confusion.


Do your eating, dressing, living, and action according to etiquette, you will go on smoothly and harmoniously; otherwise, there will be danger, illness, or trouble. If you respect and follow the principle of etiquette in your appearance, deportment, stepping forward or backward, and walking speed, you will look very elegant, otherwise you will look ugly, vulgar and rude.


Without etiquette, no one can survive, nothing can be well done, and nothing can go smoothly.


It’s said in the “Book of Songs” that when etiquette conforms to the law, each word and each smile is appropriate. This is the truth.


He who advocates good is your teacher, and he who cooperates with you for good is your friend. Advocating nothing good and cooperating with you for nothing good are nothing else but flattery. It is wise to call a spade a spade. It is stupid to confound the right with the wrong.


Those who slander the virtuous are called calumny; those who do harm to the virtuous are called the evil thieves.


“Call a spade a spade” is integrity. He who steals is a thief, he who conceals his deeds is a fraud. Speaking carelessly is a rash behavior. “To go or not” in hesitation is uncertainty. He who abandons justice for personal gain is an evil thief. He who has a large stock of information is a man of profound knowledge. A man with little information is one lacking knowledge. The better informed you are, the better learned you are, the less informed you are, the less you know. “Hard to move forward” is slow. “Easy forget” is omission. Doing less but being well organized is called governance. Doing much in confusion is befuddled.


The way to govern a man’s vitality and cultivate his inner heart is that if he is strong-minded, soften him with a conciliatory attitude. To those who think too deeply, assimilate them with frankness and kindness. To the bold and fierce, help them with the doctrine that cannot go beyond. To those who are quick and easy to act, restrain them with quietness. To those who are narrow-minded, treat them with magnanimity so as to broaden their horizon.


For those who are of low social rank and greedy for profits, we need to guide them with noble aspirations. A man who is of low social rank and of too much liberty should be reformed with a good mentor. Negligence and being slack off will bring disaster. For those simple, dignified and reserved people, we should coordinate them with etiquette and graceful music and enlighten them with deliberateness.


There is no better shortcut to physical and mental health than following etiquette, having a good teacher and being single-minded.


This is the way to govern a man’s vitality and cultivate his mind.


A man with far-reaching aspiration and high morality thinks little of high-rank officials and millionaires. What such a man seeks is not the material desires, but inner moral perfection.


This is what said in the ancient book, “he who rules life is a gentleman, he who is ruled by life is a vile character”. What is tired in body but happy in mind should be done. What is less profitable but more public interest should be put into practice. It is better to serve a poor monarch but accord with morality than work for a fatuous ruler for personal fame and fortune.


A good farmer will not stop farming because of the possibility of floods and droughts, a good businessman will not stop doing business because of the possibility of losses, a gentleman will not abandon etiquette because of poverty. Respectful in appearance, faithful in heart, observant in manners and kind in heart, such a man would be respected and loved even if he were stuck in a remote place. The first to do hard work, the last to enjoy, honest, simple, observant, complies with the law and regulations. Such a man can go all over the world, even if trapped in a remote area, there must be people who employ him.


A man, proud and stubborn outside, but sly and tricky inside, follows Mozi’s theory, making his spirit muddy and filthy. Even if such a man could go about the world and prosper everywhere, he would not be able to escape being despised.


A man who runs away from things that are tiring and painful, but loots, without any hesitation, things that are profitable and enjoyable will be cast aside wherever he goes.


Walking carefully is not a fear of getting stuck in the mud. Looking down while walking on is not afraid of bumping into something. Bending down before a man you meet on the way is not that you are feared by his power. Scholars do what mentioned above just for their self-cultivation, so they don’t want to offend secular people.


A strong horse can travel a thousand miles a day, yet a bad one can also get to the destination by ten days’ traveling. Do you want the inferior horse to exhaust on the endless road, chasing the goal without end? If so, the inferior horse will never catch up with the strong one in his life even if he breaks bones and hamstrings. If there is a scope, thousands of miles are a long distance but also a destination for horses to reach, the only difference is a little faster or slower, earlier or later. Who can say that the inferior horse is not able to travel a thousand miles to get to his destination? The key point is whether those, who don’t know how to take the shortcut, will chase the endless target with their limited energy or set a limited scope for them to get to.


Those gentlemen know that everything has its physical sense and its dialectical sense. They refuse to argue on it just for stopping this kind of debate. It is not easy to do something irrational, but the gentlemen refuse to do it because of their moderation. That’s why the scholars say: “I fell behind, but they stopped to wait for me, so that I catch up with them, the only difference is between who is fast and who is slow, who arrives early and who arrives late. No one can say I failed to reach the goal.”


A lame turtle can travel a thousand miles without a moment’s rest. If you keep piling up soil, you can build up mountains. Plugging up water sources and digging ditches will dry up the big rivers. A moment forward followed by a moment backward, a moment left followed by a moment right, even a good horse will not reach its destination. The difference in ability and wisdom between people is never so big as the difference in qualities between a lame turtle and a good horse.


A lame turtle can reach its destination, but a good horse fails to reach its destination. The reason is none other than that the former moves on while the latter stays where it stands.


No matter how near the destination is, you will never get to it if you don’t start your journey. No matter how small a matter is, it will remain undone if you don’t start getting it done.


Those who love the rites and act according to them are called scholars. Those who have a firm will and can struggle for their cause are called gentlemen. Those who are always quick in response and wise in thought are called saints. In the absence of etiquette, people don’t know what to do. If you have etiquette but you don’t know what it means, you will feel embarrassed. If you respect and follow the law, understand its meaning, and precisely grasp its specific rules, you will be a gentle, amiable person who can do things with high proficiency.


Etiquette can correct people’s thoughts and behaviors, and teachers are those who can correct etiquette norms. In the absence of propriety, with what for people to correct their thoughts and behaviors? Without teachers, how can we know what courtesy is like.


Do as what the rites say, because the rites are the best place for the passion to rest in. A student should say what the teacher says, which means he is a good student to follow his teacher.


A man who is content with etiquette and law and his reason obeys his teacher’s teaching can be called a sage. To disobey the rites is to ignore the law, and to disobey the teacher’s teaching is to ignore the teacher. Violating the rules of etiquette and the teacher’s teaching and creating a set of behaviors of their own would mean nothing else but distinguishing different colors by a blind man or telling different sounds by a deaf. Such being the case, he can do nothing good but make a mess.


Therefore, what we should learn is etiquette, teachers should set a good example and be willing to do so. It’s said in the Book of Songs that the people are unconsciously accustomed to obeying the law set by God and will not do illegal things in conscience. That’s what I want to say.


If you are honest, docile, and respect the elders, you are a good young man, and if you are also studious, modest, sensible, and sensitive, people can only be equal to you, not better than you. You are, thus, a gentleman. If you are cowardly, timid, and greedy for food and drinks, you are a bad boy. If you are also wild, violent, disobedient to your elders, vicious and harmful, you are a dangerous young man. Once you are a dangerous and harmful young man, no one will have pity for you, even if you are punished for violating the law.


Respect the old, and the young will come, don’t despise the poor, and the wise will gather. If you don’t let others know the good deeds you have done, and don’t expect anything in return, then both the virtuous and those who are not virtuous will come to you. If a man has the above-mentioned three virtues, even if he has made a great mistake, God will not inflict harm on him.


A gentleman is careless in seeking profit, well ready to avoid evil, much concerned about escaping shame, and courageous in pursuing morality.


A gentleman can be ambitious though poor, and humble though rich. When comfortable, he doesn’t slack off, and when tired, he doesn’t look haggard. He will not give others excessive punishment because he is angry, nor will he give others excessive reward because he is delighted. A gentleman, though poor, keeps ambitious in order to cultivate benevolence. A gentleman, when wealthy and powerful, still respects others and never takes advantage of power to bully others. A gentleman when comfortable, doesn’t slack off because he lets his words and deeds go in line with etiquette.


He, though tired, still looks dignified and elegant because he respects etiquette. He doesn’t give others excessive punishment or reward because of his anger or delight, which shows that his idea of law prevails over his desire. It’s said in the 《the Book of History》that a gentleman follows the way set by the former King, not by his personal preference, nor by his personal distaste. That is to say, the gentleman can triumph over his personal desires with the morality in line with the public interest. 

责任编辑 / 翟玉静

值班编辑 / 徐丹

审校 / 窦怀国

责校 / 张敏






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